MERCH (coming soon)

Anti Romantic Bitches
Mood Romantic AF
Boots Are Made For Kicking Shit
Hope Has Blood On Her Knuckles

Cass Hepburn is the pseudonym for the writing partnership of authors JeJe Hepburn and Cass Hill. Between them they’ve run a New York gallery, written and produced for television and short films, and swum with dolphins in the waters of a dormant volcanic crater. One has an MA in creative writing and has won lofty literary fellowships, the other is a CEO with global marketing chops.

Both are authors and seasoned travelers, using their adventures for novel settings, boozy catch ups and brewing a concoction of well-researched material. Their shared passion for smutty paranormal romance with victorious villains and a zest for spicy shenanigans, emerged during a writer's retreat in an eerie, haunted resort.

Through the fear and the cocktails, Cass Hepburn was born.

The Anti-Romantic Romwriter tenaciously clawed her way to her first 'shut up and be happy' ending, amidst a whirl of tipsy revelations. She hasn’t stopped swilling cocktails, stomping the globe in her boots or writing great novels since..


EVENTS - 2024

May 15

SCORN Book 1
Winter of the Hanged Woman

The Disbelief of Demi-Gods

Buy Book

December 14

Winter of the Hanged Woman

The Disbelief of Demi-Gods

Pre-Order Here

August 16-18

Attending Romance Writers Australia Conference
Adelaide, Australia